This week in this previous post, we talked about the Echoplex, probably the most classic and used tape delay unit sued through the last 50 years amongst singers, especially guitarists and other musicians.
No matter who, where or when, the Echoplex became a household name when it comes to hardware.
The Echoplex, due to its unique sound, not being produced anymore, tone and color, became one of the most sought-after delay modules by producers and musicians, to incorporate its classic sound to their songs.
Although the Echoplex can be an expensive and rare find, Auditory decided to take care of this problem by developing the PlexiTape, a plug-in based of a real Echoplex EP-3 state, straight into your DAW, making it possible to use and add that extra vintage sound to a
session, straight in the box.
Between its features, you can find:
2 FET Preamp models: Early and Late
2 Playback Modes: Regular (with Varispeed) and Sync
Varispeed from 3 to 15 IPS
Echo Tone equalizer
Delay Ducking
Machine Age
Tape Erase
Internal hum noise (fully adjustable, for increased realism and self-oscillation)
The PlexiTape also contains 3 Echo Modes: Echo, Off (Preamp + Tape colour only) and Sound on Sound.
SOS allows you to use bypass the echo and therefore use the tape as a looping recorder, expanded with new features including a full stereo double delay line, tempo sync and more.
The Off mode can also be a very interesting function allowing you to bypass the echo functions, using it as a Preamp simulator if you just want the color and tone from this classic piece of hardware.
This and more information on this plug-in you can find in this overview video by Plugin Boutique: