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Dubler 2: One Instrument, Millions of Sounds

Occasionally, a plug-in or an audio software related to music production and audio engineering in general, comes along and becomes a complete notable change in the scenario, and maybe this is the occasion with this software. 

Some people can have great ideas for creating songs, melodies, and music in general, but they’ll only have one instrument at their disposal, the one they were born with: the voice. 

Dubler 2 demands only this one instrument for you to start creating, for it uses a technology that captures your voice, identify the note, and translates it to midi, so you can create melodies, harmonies, and even trigger frequencies of your voice to create rhythms and percussion lines.

Between its features, here are some:

Dubler 2 comes with three bundle options: Dubler 2, just the app with all its features available and ready to go. And Dubler 2 with the Dubler USB Microphone, a microphone developed by Dubler themselves which will automatically translate your voice to midi commands, as you sing. 

Dubler 2 is a very promising, practical and game-changing software which will probably become and industry standard in the next year.


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